Thursday, February 18, 2010

Feb 2010 West Vic Quantum Weekend

With Endorsed Instructor, Mel Peacock

When: 13th - 16th February 2010

Noorat Showgrounds

Morning - Level 2 Secondary: Lessons 7 & 8
Impulsion & developing emotional fitness for your horse - Cherokee Bridle - Introducing the Bridle - Picking up the pace - Leads & Diagonals

Afternoon - Level 2 Advanced: Lessons 8 & 9
Positive Patterns for Galloping - Flying Lead Changes - Jumping - Contact Riding with Soft Feel - Rebounds - Impulsion in Sideways - Support Rein

Thank you Vicki for inviting me down to your area and what a fun venue we had! I had a great time this weekend and I am getting so excited at the prospect of so many students nearing the end of their Level 2!!!! I can't wait to start on Level 3 with you all.

Well level 2 is all about riding and and in the lessons we did this weekend, we certainly covered that. The morning group did a fantastic job with riding out in the open (yep there was no arena here!), for most of them, the first time! In no time they were all cantering around and having so much fun. The afternoon group were all a bit green at the thought of galloping their horses, but when we broke it down and started with just the pattern, there were grins all round. Good on you all for giving it a go!

Even though we covered so much in these four days, there seemed to be two main lessons that we kept coming back to - consistency in positive reflexes and LEADERSHIP - who is leading who?

Ta-Da's from the Weekend:
Contact on-line leads to contact while riding
Straight horses can't trot - they need to have bend in their bodies. Horses with bend don't pace!
Rode 1 rein canter circle in the open (wide open space!)
Protect personal space from the "shoulder"
Got a correct canter lead today!
I must remember to offer then spank, not drive him with my seat
Having contact is more than just "feel" on the rope
Don't pull!! It makes her heavy . . . . hold and bump instead.
I attempted the gallop pattern. I lived and can't wait to do it again tomorrow!
We did sideways and a square!
Release is dropping the reins
Think Level 2!!!
We did a flying change! YAAAYYYY!!! (and that was all 3 in the L2 Advanced lesson)
Blue's lightness is returning BUT don't forget to reward. "Just one more" will turn it sour
Bareback trot RTR
Your horse CANNOT learn if you aren't CLEAR and CONSISTANT!!!
Look up and sit back!! (may have heard that before!)
Face your fears . . . . they may not be as bad as you think!
I have grown as a horseman . . . . and my horse certainly appreciates it and the results are amazing!!!

1 comment:

  1. this was a fantastic week-end with many ta-dah's & a few demons challenged & beaten :)

    a great venue, with heaps of room to get the gallop pattern sorted for those who were ready to give it a shot.

    a great big thanks to vicki & mel, for all their hard work over the week-end & all the other QS students & auditors who only ever offer support & encouragement.

