Thursday, July 11, 2013

July 2013 Darwin Tour

My second visit to the Northern Territory to meet all the wonderful QS students up there and help them continue with their horsemanship journey.  We started off with an Introductory Horsemanship Confidence Building Clinic, with new riders, newly started horses and all the rest in between.  Everyone put in a huge effort with trot passenger lessons, leap frog canter transitions and lots of steering and stopping...all with 1 rein!

Level 2 Connection Clinic followed and it was back on line for everyone to discover how to communicate with their horses through their lead ropes to develop a stronger connection when going off line.

The final clinic for the tour everyone saddled up for the Level 2 Impulsion Clinic where it was all about riding and developing emotional fitness in all gaits with the secret weapon being sideways and making sure our horses moved off of our legs!

It was a fantastic week of horsemanship with a huge thankyou to Jude Egan for her dedication in organising both the students and myself to make it happen and a huge well done to all those that did all 3 clinics! 

Student Ta-Dah's:
Bareback riding for the first time - walk & trot!
Canter - in CONTROL!
Worship the red string
Feel in both reins and legs
Open up
Mounting Henry Bareback
Feeling Sid's weight Shift from HQ to FQ
Sid sticking with me at liberty in round yard
Sid doing flying lead changes
Skip doing great ridden sideways
BB & Bridle less in the round yard with Skip
Quinn float loading from the end of the 22ft rope
Learning about The Pocket!
Being soft with reins
Releasing quickly
Appreciating the importance and power of a good indirect rein