Wednesday, November 18, 2009

West Vic Quantum Weekend November 2009

When: 14th - 17th November 2009
Where: Camperdown, Vic
Time: 8.30m - 5.00pm daily

Daily Programme:
Morning - Level 1 Primary: Lessons 1 & 2
Learn how to communicate more effectively with your horse - Have a more willing, co operative horse with much more positive ground manners - How to Float Load safely and easily.

Afternoon - Level 2 Secondary: Lessons 7 & 8
Impulsion & developing emotional fitness for your horse - Cherokee Bridle - Introducing the Bridle - Picking up the pace - Leads & Diagonals

Student Ta-Da's:
Recognised he was invading my space with his shoulder – Tah Dah . . . keeping him out!
Far more relaxed at the end of the session
Standing in the no yield exercise with the string swinging over his back and in the air
Del had a “different” horse by Day 4 (much more relaxed)

It really shows that one never stops learning...auditing the level 1 primary realised a very basic BFO for myself...and perhaps a few others!
Phase 1 = eyes, belly button, focus = energy with direction!
ie: how to communicate more effectively with your horse and have a more willing, cooperative horse with much more positive ground manners.

This was then added to by the level 2 sessions where we advanced on our Basic Skills with Positive Reflexes,(bigger and faster, not harder) Worked on longer lines (and still be able to communicate) and finally went looking for the truth at Liberty (must learn to trust my horse, as she will stay with me if I'm polite with the ask!) Still working to gain an independent seat when Bareback Riding (on the comfort for rider!!)
- Sue