Sunday, October 16, 2011

Check out my Float

At the beginning of this year, I had my float painted as it was well overdue for some TLC and this week, I have added the finishing touches!
Attached Image: 12102011008.jpg

Attached Image: Mels trailer.jpg

Warwick Quantum Weekend September 2011

When: 3rd to 6th September 2011

Where: Warwick Horse Trials Grounds, Morgan Park, Warwick

Daily Programme:Morning 8.30am - 12.30pm
Level 1 Secondary:
Lessons 3 and 4 COVERS - Safe & Practical Saddling and Riding techniques—To have your horse going forward Confidently & Easily—Sideways and Backwards—How to stop you horse with just your body energy and one rein

Afternoon 1.30pm - 5.00pm
Level 1 Advanced: Level 1 Overview
Combine skills learnt in Level 1 - Build your Confidence in all gaits - Prepare for Level 2

I have just finished a fabulous weekend in Warwick and to top it off, we had perfect weather (despite rain being forecast for every day!!)  All I can say is that I am sooooo proud of everyone who attended this weekend.  Everyone gave their 100%, were willing to give everything a go, and to work through the things that have been holding them back.   Over the 4 days, I saw confidence build in every single rider as they learnt to trust their horses more and by the end of the weekend, we had much calmer and happier horses as their riders understanding of offering release grew.

Student Ta-Dah's:
Cisco went onto the concrete of the wash bay.
Abboe stopped with just my life down in a group trot passenger lesson.
Sunny's not biting as much
I'm so much more conscious of my phases
Our trot passenger lesson had some difficult moments but I built trust with my horse I really felt I could rely on him even when I was not functioning very well.
His whole manner in general is becoming more willing for me.  I need to build my skills so that I can offer more release.
Aussie is happy in his play
Mozzie stopped chasing the other horses.
Great to see how Ruth worked through Aus's apprehension during his first ever passenger lesson.
Had a realisation of just how much Abbie needs me to slow down my phases so that she feels that she has options.
Aussie worked through his emotional problems in group PL
Moselle got a better trot and a nice canter
Wills slowed to me and is following my body rhythm.
It was great to see the progression of the behavior patterns in the group passenger lessons and the importance of protecting your space.
I worked past my tension to settle Aussie down.
I seen Mel get some nice canter transitions with no kicking!!
I saw Ruth help Mossie find comfort in going forward and achieved canter transitions.
I saw Helen remain calm when her horse transitioned to trot in her second ride with 1 rein.