Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 09 Milduara Quantum Weekend

With Endorsed Instructor, Mel Peacock

When: 3rd - 6th October 2009
Where: Riverbend Vet Clinic, Buronga
Time: 8.30am - 5.00pm

Daily Programme:Morning - Level 1 Primary: Lessons 1 & 2

Learn how to communicate more effectively with your horses - Have a more willing, co-operative horse with much more positive ground manners - How to Float Load safely and Easily

Afternoon - Level 1 Secondary: Lessons 3 & 4

Safe & Practical Saddling and Riding techniques—To have your horse going forward Confidently & Easily—Sideways and Backwards—How to stop your horse with just your body energy and one rein

Thank you Amanda for helping to organise this fantastic event and Dr Deb for providing a fantastic venue for us. It was such a pleasure to teach at this weekend. The guys starting out for the first time all had such a wonderful attitude and had things happening with their horses in no time at all. Even the flight tests were a breeze, and who could forget the fantastic demo Paula gave us to get Marty over the barrels - which happened to be her goal for the weekend! The afternoon group made huge progress also - building lots of confidence in the saddle, to the point where there was LOTS of giggling throughout their passenger lessons. Congratulations to Nikita (who is only 10 YO I think) for completing a whole trot passenger lesson for the first time on Yoshi!! He certainly is a great pony and a wonderful confidence builder for Nikita.


Paula- managed to keep Marty out of my personal space, he remained calm and focused while practicing basic skills, I backed marty through the arena gate for the first time today YAY!!, focused on keeping marty out of her personal space successfully for the whole lesson!

Maggie- Managed to handle gracie in a controllable manner

Karen- Was able to get buck over the step with confidence, Seemed to respond better as the lesson went on! Maybe i am getting the hang of it sort of lol

Jennifer- how to use my direct rein properly and to get him to bend to a stop by getting clancy off the forehand, trot passenger lessons x 3 and canter leap frog

Nikita- I got on my horse and completed 3 passenger lessons at a trot

Mel- I made improvement without a negative outlook and can communicate with my horse

Sharna- Aella started very slowly to move with light touches, Aella was even lighter today, i picked up all four feet from one side, she led from the shoulder and i could move her without contact plus heaps more , Aella didn't want to trot small circles but with mels help we had a really good try, also aella is responding more to no contact yields, We accomplished our goals that we set on Saturday Thanks Mel plus i got her to jump the barrels both ways!!

Dr Deb-Psalm walked through the front door of our reception at the clinic and out through the treatment room to the barn!!!!!

Amanda- i managed to confirm the next QW by getting 6 deposits in during this QW!!!!!!!!!!!!