Monday, April 1, 2013

Murwillumbah Quantum Weekend March 2013

At Crystal Creek, NSW
When: 21st - 24th March 2013

It certainly was a weekend to remember, raining when everyone was arriving and the sky pulled on 4 fantastic days to finish it off with a Bang!

We had all sizes for our Level 1 Secondary from ponies to Shires!  It looked fabulous when they were all riding the rail and with true synchronization all turned around with an indirect rein.  What stood out the most for me was the amount of confidence that grew in both groups as the four days unfolded.  For the Level 1's it was a few tense moments when stepping out with 1 rein for the first time, to smiles all round and appreciation for their horses by the end of a passenger lesson.

For the Level 2's they all started out trying the impulsion programmes at trot and one by one they started to canter.  By the end of the weekend, with find the center, simple lead changes and a canter passenger lesson, there was no stopping them from cantering and the inner hoon really coming out in everyone when trying out point to point.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the weekend and of course to Deb and Al for all their efforts in organizing the event and sprucing up their property and driveway after copious amounts of rain in the previous 3 months.

Here are the Ta-Dah's from the weekend!

Finding lightness in his head not leaning on rope
Getting the initial direction to circling
Putting the rope forward for group forward not fighting with the rope
I trotted my horse!
I learnt to saddle my horse!
I rode the rail and played games
I got Mary going forward
Cantered Mary!
Cantered for the first time off the lead
Had a lot of confidence nearing the end of the lesson
Gave me direction for my horse
Don't pull horse around
Release at right point on the circle
Perseverance without getting emotional
I can trust the pony
Learn't some good lessons in getting my horse to move forward
Cantered my horse a lot!